Wednesday, June 26, 2024

My Philosophy

All of my beliefs, opinions, and thoughts are fluid and subject to change based on new information. I don’t like to argue or disagree but instead find the commonalities and see where I can change and improve myself. Of all the truths that exist in the universe, I know only a very small amount of them. Of those truths I know, they are filtered through my biases, prejudices, and preconceived notions which makes them distorted. I only know a very small amount of distorted truths which keeps me from judging others or arguing with them because I think we are all doing our best with the limited information we have. Think it is best to cooperate and help each other improve. 

I don’t believe in terms like “wrong” or “bad” or any other terms with a strong negative connotation. I think all things come down to differences in opinion and it is alright to be different. Because I only know a limited number of distorted truths, I don’t think it is my place to use negative judgmental terms. I often find that the way we treat others is a reflection on the relationship we have with ourselves. I use positive affirmations three times a day and treat myself kindly, as a result, I find it easy to be kind to those around me. I chose my actions based on the goal that I want to maintain positive, long-term, healthy relationships and weigh possible behaviors with that in mind.