Merry Christmas from Klapheck 2.0
(Christmas 2009)
Hello to our many friends and family once again. We hope that this year finds you and your loved ones happy and well.
Aaron is in his final semester at CSUS, scheduled to graduate December 19, 2009 with a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. During the summer, Aaron was able to work at the internship of every geek’s dreams, NASA. For ten weeks, Aaron would live down in Palo Alto and work at NASA. He would come home on the weekends to be with Megan Elisabeth and Sarah Lynne. It was a difficult time to be away from “his girls”, but it was the opportunity of a lifetime that couldn’t be passed up. Our family and friends are also so proud of his accomplishment that many of them have NASA logo stickers on their cars now.
During his last semester at CSUS, Aaron was able to obtain another paid student internship, this time with the US Army Corps of Engineers in downtown Sacramento.
Aaron continues to build and work with robots. You can look up all that he did during his time at NASA, CSUS, and in his free time by going to his website,
Sarah Lynne continues to work at River Oak Center for Children (ROCC) in Carmichael, where she has been for two years now. Her boss went out on Maternity leave in November, leaving her to “man” the Utilization Review department all alone. It is tiring, but rewarding work. However, when Aaron goes into full-time work, Sarah Lynne will be able to leave her position and become a stay-at-home Mom (the job of her dreams) in January/February.
During the Spring, Sarah Lynne participated in a “Biggest Loser”-type competition at work with a few of her co-workers, She ended up losing close to 30 pounds, and walking away with the top prize for most pounds lost. In October, Sarah Lynne turned 30! Her sister, Rebecca, and Aaron planned a wonderful surprise party to celebrate. It’s all uphill from here, right?! Once Aaron goes to work full-time, Sarah Lynne plans on not just staying home with the baby, but taking a few classes to further enrich her life. She will also begin Mommy-and-Me classes with Megan Elisabeth.
Megan Elisabeth is now 20 months old, can you believe it?! Where has the time gone? Since last Christmas, she has mastered walking. (First steps at 12 months, and full-on walking at 14 months.) Mommy now has to run after her quite a lot. “Meggie Beth” grows by leaps and bounds almost daily. In August, right after Daddy got home from his internship, Megan Elisabeth’s vocal skills simply exploded! She began repeating almost everything, and now talks in phrases and very small sentences. Her favorite words are “Daddy”, “Elmo”, and of course, “NO”. Megan Elisabeth is also learning sign language. In September, she completed her first sentence in sign language. “Mom, milk, please.” Other words she knows in sign are “thank you, Dad, more, cookie, cereal, eat, drink, diaper, bath, ice cream, sorry, grandma, Dallas (her friend, not the city), now, Elmo, and ball”
Meggie Beth is an intelligent and active child, and the joy of our lives. She is the kind of child that brings joy to all around her and makes you grateful to be alive to witness such an amazing kid. During the day, Megan Elisabeth attended the Children’s Care Center on the CSUS campus. There, she had many friends and was well-liked by everyone.
In family news, we finally grew too big for our little one-room apartment! So in August, right after Aaron was finished with his internship, we moved to a duplex a mile away from the apartment we had been living in since the day Aaron and Sarah Lynne got married. This has been a wonderful improvement. Not only is there more space for us to grow as a family, but there is a garage for Aaron to have a workshop in, and a backyard for our little one to play in. Please update your address books:
The Klapheck Family
3926 Apple Blossom Way
Carmichael, CA 95608
In other family news, on October 28, 2009, Aaron’s Mother passed away at the age of 52. This has shaken up our family in irreparable ways. She was such a loving and kind person, with a big heart and a great sense of humor. Her ability to forgive was only surpassed by her capacity to love. We know that she is now in a better place, with her Lord and King, smiling down on those that she left behind and brokenhearted. We are so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the knowledge that we will be with her once again in the next life.
“I have a family here on earth, they are so good to me.
I want to share my life with them through all Eternity.
Families can be together forever through Heavenly Father’s plan.
I always want to be with my own family.
And the Lord has shown me how I can.”
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