Sunday, September 11, 2011

Atonement, Agency, Accountability


How well I know that among learned men are those who look down at animals and stones to find the origin of man. They do not look inside themselves to find the spirit there. They train themselves to measure things by time, by thousands and by millions, and say these animals called men all came by chance. And this they are free to do, for agency is theirs.

But agency is ours as well. We look up, and in the universe we see the handiwork of God and measure things by epochs, by eons, by dispensations, by eternities. The many things we do not know we take on faith.

But this we know! It was all planned before the world was. Events from the Creation to the final, winding-up scene are not based on chance; they are based on choice! It was planned that way.

- Aaron Klapheck, Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. I love this! we are not here by happenstance through a "natural" series of random events. We have been designed by God and placed here for a reason!
